The Do's and Do Nots After A Hair Transplant

You’ve signed up for a hair transplant or are seriously considering one.

So, now what?! I’ve gathered a list of do’s and don’ts of hair care basics that are essential to rejuvenating transplanted hair growth.

Do: Follow your surgeon’s instructions diligently.

Your hair care is in the hands of your surgeon. Any questions, precautions, and post-operative instructions should always be dealt with your surgeon’s office, and never outside physicians.

Do: Consider PRP!

Hair growth can be enhanced and rejuvenated with Platelet Rich Plasma. Studies have shown that PRP can effectively nourish the scalp to simultaneously promote hair growth and reduce hair shedding. This is a great option to consider if topical agents are ill-effective.

Do: Compose a well-balanced diet.

Vitamins are the “gatherers” of your hair growth cycle. They coordinate the proteins necessary for effective hair growth and protection from harsh environmental factors. To prevent your body from experiencing vital nutrient deficiencies, consider using a Nutrafol supplement.

Do: Maintain your pre-hair treatments, post-transplant.

Patients that are using Rogaine or Propecia for hair thinning should continue these products post-procedure. While it is advised to discontinue hair products during the fragile follicle stage, be sure to ask your surgeon when it is okay to resume your pre-hair treatments.

Don’t: Shower your scalp for two weeks, whatsoever.

You should expect a delicate cleaning routine for careful scalp handling. You won’t be able to scrub vigorously or utilize a pressurized shower head for at least two weeks.

Don’t: Expose your scalp to the sun.

For 3-6 months post-procedure, your scalp should remain covered to minimize UV damage to new hair follicles and prevent scalp pigmentation. It’s recommended to wear a loosely fitted baseball cap and refrain from any knitted caps that could snag hairs.

Don’t: Stress!

A positive mindset goes a long way, and stress reduction is key to breaking most hair loss cycles. In addition, expect a little time and patience in your hair transplant process, but if you’re following all the Do’s, there’s nothing to worry about!